I believe in the healing power of mother nature. I am not going to lie...I was in a funk this morning. I needed to get outside and into the garden because it always, always, always, lifts me up. I went outside with Rosie and I filled the birdbath with fresh water. I watered the flowers. I breathed in the gorgeous summer air and I cut a few zinnias for the inside of my house. All was well again in my head. Thank you mother earth. Thank you healing flower power brought to me this morning from the zinnias.
Everything I do has to have meaning and purpose. I planted zinnias this spring. I have always loved their joy, color, beauty and abundant nature. They also remind me of one of my sisters. She used to plant the seeds and have a plethora of them in her yard. They make beautiful cut flowers and grow all summer long. They bring happiness and joy to my heart and my yard and they changed the energy in my house and in turn changed my funky attitude. Thank you zinnias. Their spiritual meaning speaks of friendship, everlasting love, and a reminder to appreciate all those in your life you love...don't take anyone for granted.
I bought a flat of them from my neighbor's daughters who were selling flowers for their dance school as a fundraiser. They live next door to me and they just have to look out their windows to see that I love my garden and selling flowers to a gardener might be a huge win. It worked for both of us.
Nature heals.
Angela O'Brien-Greywitt, Intuitive Mystic
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