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Be in the Flow of Life

"Life isn't about

waiting for the

storm to pass...

It's about learning

to dance in the


Vivian Greene

Yippee! Let's dance in the rain...for rain is coming down today on election day in Minnesota. The rain is a welcome sight after many weeks of drought. Rain brings nourishment, cleansing, and a softening not only to the land but to our souls. Learn to dance in the rain and embrace what you can't control.

Rain allows time for inner reflection and to not lose touch with ourselves. Rain offers an invitation to go inside. A time to pause and turn inward and acknowledge our thoughts and find quiet sanctuary, compassion, curiosity, and find clarity for what matters most in life.

Go inside your heart and shine a light on where your belief systems and patterns come from. Go in search of where you feel resistance and why? Can you open your heart and allow the rain to soften what beliefs you cling so fiercely to? Can you seek out patience and cultivate peace for the ones that do not vote the way you do? Shifts are happening all over the world. Truths are being revealed. We might be in for a bumpy ride.

Visualize yourself raising your consciousness to a new level of neutrality. One that nurtures not only yourself, but the human collective. Set intentions to align your energies into inspired actions that are of benefit to all. Release any fear and breathe in the power of trust that all is in divine order.

We have little control over the weather, elections, the choices people make, and most aspects of life, regardless of our efforts. We do however have control over how we react and how we respond.

We can always breathe deeply into our heart space and all the places within our bodies where we feel any constriction, holding on, and resistance. Invite in peace, spaciousness, awareness, and soften. Quiet your mind and tune into the subtle knowing energy held within your being and trust the peace is always there and available. Remember you are a spiritual being having a human experience.

Peace is always available.

P=presence, patience, purpose

E=energy, enlightenment, effervescence

A=align, acceptance, awareness

C=centered, consciousness, connection

E=eternal, ecstatic, empathic

"When life throws

you a rainy day

play in the puddles."

Pooh Bear

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3 תגובות

05 בנוב׳

I want to put on my rubber boots and join you!

With approximately 1/2 our nation voting one way and 1/2 another your beautiful words are so needed and inspiring.

May we all ... "Visualize yourself raising your consciousness to a new level of neutrality."


05 בנוב׳

Beautiful post and so needed. Loved the photos. Opening my heart and surrendering to know I am not in control. But I can hold what I want in my vision 💜

בתשובה לפוסט של

Yes, yes, yes! Hold the beautiful vision of what humanity needs right now!

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